2019 Conference Theme :
“Justice for All: Empower – Engage – Sustain”
The 8th Asia Pro Bono Conference programme is being designed now. Our presenters/facilitators come from across the legal landscape bringing diverse experience and thought leadership. The Conference is an opportunity to learn more about the impact of strategic pro bono on seemingly intractable humanitarian problems as you network with your peers.
The Conference programme aims to showcase local innovation from across the Asia region, and globally, on a diverse range of topical issues. To access the PDF version of the program click here. Also please note that the programme will is now available on the ConveneApp – access code 8APBC2019.
Day 3 – Sunday Sep, 15 – Yak & Yeti Hotel Kathmandu Nepal
6:30am - 7:30am
Yak & Yeti Hotel's Poolside Garden
8th APBC “Move for Justice” (Move, Walk, Jog or Run)
Conference Organizers
Bring your walking or running shoes and move for Justice!
Join the morning walk, jog, run in support of the work for pro bono legal services provides.
Participants can connect their steps via mobile phone App and together contribute to the goal of globally reaching 40,000kms, once around the world for justice. For more details https://atlasgo.org/globalprobono/
8:00am - 9:00am
Conference Organizers
9:00am - 9:30am
Regal 1
Introduction & Welcome Address Day 3
Conference Organizers
Introduction and welcome address from conference organizers
9:30am - 11:00am
Regal 1
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
Women Lawyers Empowerment in Nepal-A Pro Bono Approach
Facilitator/Presenter: Andrew Valentine, (DLA Piper/New Perimeter) | USA & Sheri Meyerhoffer, (Women Lawyers Joining Hands) | Canada
1) Sudeep Gautam, (UNDP) | Nepal
2) Saroj Ghimire, (Nepal Bar Association) | Nepal
3) Purna Man Shakya, (Nepal Bar Association) | Nepal
4) Maya Ghimire, (Lawyer) | Nepal
5) Sheetal Pandey, (Lawyer) | Nepal
This session will focus on women lawyers, capacity building and pro bono. The program is designed to support female lawyers by providing mentorship and ongoing training to increase skills and opportunities. The session will start with an illustration of a successful training program in Nepal for women lawyers – the result of a partnership between a private law firm, non-profits, the Nepal Bar Association, and UNDP. The session will be interactive. Participants will discuss in groups what is being done, and what can be done, in their countries to both empower women and advance pro bono. Finally, the larger group will share the results of those discussions, and discuss how to networks and stay in touch in the future.
9:30am - 11:00am
Regal 2
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
The Synergies of Pro Bono and Legal Aid Workshop (Part 1 of 3)
1) Bruce A. Lasky, (Lanna Lawyers/BABSEACLE) | Thailand
2) Jake Stevens, (International Bridges to Justice) | Myanmar
3) Jawziya F. Zaman, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
4) Anita Neupane Thapalia, (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) | Nepal
5) Tek Tamata, (UNDP) | Nepal
6) San Ng, (The Asia Foundation) | USA
7) Holly Hobart, (International Legal Foundation) | Myanmar
8) Susan Lee, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
9) Tet Nay Tun, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
10) Petrit Skenderi, (UNDP) | Nepal
11) Ajay Shankar Jha, (Public Defender Service-Nepal) | Nepal
12) Mohammad Nabi Waqar, (International Legal Foundation) | Afghanistan
13) May Phyo Eain, (Taungoo Justice Centre) | Myanmar
14) Bangladesh Paralegal Initiative Representative being confirmed
15) Phanindra Gautam, (Joint Secretary) | Nepal
16) Patrick Burgess, (AJAR) | Indonesia
This workshop seeks to discuss the importance of and differences between legal aid and pro bono in ensuring greater access to justice and strengthening the rule of law. Further, it will identify and propose ways to overcome challenges to pro bono and legal aid in various jurisdictions.
9:30am - 11:00am
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
The Unique Value and Impact of Pro Bono and ADR
Facilitator/Presenter: Naima Ahmed, (iProbono) | Pakistan
1) Sumreen Ali, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
2) Kritagya Shah, (Himal Innovative Development & Research) | Nepal
3) Linda Al Kalash (Tamkeen Fields for Aid) | Jordan
4) Jameel Hussain Junejo, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
This session looks at the interaction between Pro Bono support and Alternative Dispute Resolution and the unique contribution they make to help strengthen access to justice for all. It will demonstrate various circumstances where ADR can be more effective, in numerous ways, over other forms of litigation due to flexibility, efficiency and low cost.
9:30am - 11:00am
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Alternative Voices in Social Justice: Informing the Pro Bono Movement
Facilitator/Presenter: Mariam Faruqi, (iProbono) | UK, and Meenakshi Menon, (iProbono) | UK
1) Taimur Rehman, (Shaoor Foundation for Education & Awareness) | Pakistan
2) Bhoomi Harendran, (National Transgender Network) | Sri Lanka
3) Shanuki De Alwi, (Vision 1) | Sri Lanka
4) Wendy Morrish, (BABSEACLE) | Thailand
5) Patrick Burgess, (AJAR) | Indonesia
This session looks at the interaction between Pro Bono support and Alternative Dispute Resolution and the unique contribution they make to help strengthen access to justice for all. It will demonstrate various circumstances where ADR can be more effective, in numerous ways, over other forms of litigation due to flexibility, efficiency and low cost.
9:30am - 11:00am
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Juvenile Justice & Pro Bono
Facilitator/Presenter: Shahariar Sadat, (BRAC) | Bangladesh
1) Maleeha Azhar, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
2) Jane Sanders, (The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre/Herbert Smith Freehills) | Australia
This session will focus on the pro bono assistance, legal empowerment, legal literacy, basic education, advocacy and rehabilitative services provided to juveniles from the point of arrest, further highlighting the importance of training sessions on the appropriate handling of juveniles for police, prison, probation and prosecution officials.
9:30am - 11:00am
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
How Pro Bono Lawyers Can Improve Criminal Procedure in Their Country: A Myanmar Perspective
Facilitator/Presenter: Stephen McNamara, (The Tharthi Myay Foundation) | Myanmar
Presenters: Ja Aung Lu, (Human Rights and Legal Center) | Myanmar
This session will consider the powers of people involved within criminal practice across the region. It will consider how to work together to support change across all jurisdictions and the role of pro bono lawyers in bringing about change.
9:30am - 11:00am
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Empower
LGBTQI and Inclusive Pro Bono
Facilitator/Presenter: Aritha Wickramasingh, (iProbono) | Sri Lanka
1) Nay Lin, (Myanmar MSM Network) | Myanmar
Members of marginalized communities often face unique legal issues. This is often made worse by the fact that resources dedicated to alleviating these issues are either limited or non-existent. This session will highlight how strategies of legal engagement and support are developed and utilized throughout the region to increase access to justice for the LGBTQI community.
11:00am - 11:30am
Pro Bono Bazaar
Morning refreshments
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar and the Silent Auction
11:30am - 1:00pm
Regal 1
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Engage
Strengthening Access to Justice for People Who Use Drugs Through Pro Bono Support
Facilitator/Presenter: Gopinath Pillai, (Law Society Pro Bono Services) | Singapore
1) Gloria Lai, (International Drug Policy Consortium | Thailand
2) Rup Nayaran Shrestha, (Avenue Law Firm) | Nepal
3) Mary Catherine Alvarez, (StreetLawPH) | Philippines
With the issue of drugs remaining an ongoing and significant issue within society, this session will show the strength pro bono can, does and should provide support for People Who Use Drugs (PWUD), and strengthen their access to justice. It will include, amongst many things, case studies stories relating related to PWUD, their relationship with the law, and the significant role pro bono support played.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Regal 2
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
The Synergies of Pro Bono and Legal Aid Workshop (Part 2 of 3)
1) Bruce A. Lasky, (Lanna Lawyers/BABSEACLE) | Thailand
2) Jake Stevens, (International Bridges to Justice) | Myanmar
3) Jawziya F. Zaman, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
4) Anita Neupane Thapalia, (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) | Nepal
5) Tek Tamata, (UNDP) | Nepal
6) San Ng, (The Asia Foundation) | USA
7) Holly Hobart, (International Legal Foundation) | Myanmar
8) Susan Lee, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
9) Tet Nay Tun, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
10) Petrit Skenderi, (UNDP) | Nepal
11) Ajay Shankar Jha, (Public Defender Service-Nepal) | Nepal
12) Mohammad Nabi Waqar, (International Legal Foundation) | Afghanistan
13) May Phyo Eain, (Taungoo Justice Centre) | Myanmar
14) Bangladesh Paralegal Initiative Representative being confirmed
15) Phanindra Gautam, (Joint Secretary) | Nepal
16) Patrick Burgess, (AJAR) | Indonesia
This workshop seeks to discuss the importance of and differences between legal aid and pro bono in ensuring greater access to justice and strengthening the rule of law. Further, it will identify and propose ways to overcome challenges to pro bono and legal aid in various jurisdictions.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
Educating Students To Provide Pro Bono Mediation (Part 1 of 2)
1) Don Peters, (University of Florida) | USA
2) Marty Peters, (Elon University School of Law) | USA
3) Naima Ahmed, (iProbono) | Pakistan
This interactive presentation will look at the ways in which students can be effectively educated and used to deliver pro bono mediation services. It will look at schools that have provided mediation clinics facilitated by students and explore the ways in which mediation programs can be designed. The session will, therefore, both focus on ways to train students, through pro bono services, to provide mediation, as well as providing an overview on how to develop out these type of mediation programs.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Engage
Street Law and Pro Bono Working in Harmony to Enhance Access to Justice (Part 1 of a 2 Part Workshop)
1) Arpeeta Shams Mizan, (iProbono & University of Dhaka) | Bangladesh
2) Lindsay Ernst, (Hong Kong University) | Hong Kong
3) Angbeen Atif Mirza, (Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law) | Pakistan
The legal system protects the poor and discriminated in their fight for justice. Street law programs give the communities effective tools to take their rightful place as citizens. This Street Law Workshop is aimed at building the capacity of pro bono legal service providers, law students, and academics to deliver justice education through interactive community legal education collaborations, methods, and principles. The workshop aims to strengthen and achieve access to justice through expanding and uniting the Street Law community in Asia.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
Networking in Asia for Access to Justice for the Marginalized and Vulnerable: In Particular, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants Crossing the Borders
Facilitator/Presenter: Yasunobu Sato, (University of Tokyo / Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu) | Japan
1) Saburo Takizawa, (ANRIP) | Japan
2) Soojin Lee, (University of Tokyo) | Japan
3) Pillkyu Hwang, (Gonggan Human Rights Foundation) | South Korea
4) Joy Torres, (Filipino Court) | Philippines
5) Allan Mackey, (Former NZ & UK Judge) | New Zealand
This session will focus on discussions related to the strengthening network throughout Asia related to access to justice for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. It will include ways and means that the Asia Pro Bono Roundtable Network has, and can be expanded, which in turn will have assist in creating an impact by Pro Bono on the Sustainable Development Goals along with pro bono assistance for the marginalized and the vulnerable.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Empower
Legal Empowerment and Pro Bono Synergy for Marginalised Communities
Facilitator/Presenter: Marlon Manuel, (Namati) | Philippines
1) Jayshree Satpute, (Nazdeek) | India
2) Altaf Hussain Khoso, (Litigation Manager, Legal Aid Office) | Pakistan
3) Hnin Hnin Yu, (Chair of Sex Workers network in Myanmar – SWiM) | Myanmar
4) Olugbenga Oke-Samuel, (Kampala International University) | Uganda
What’s the sound of one hand clapping? Change is difficult to achieve without assistance. This session will highlight how empowering individuals from marginalized communities to advocate alongside pro bono lawyers, can create a useful synergy which overcomes issues inhibiting access to justice more efficiently.
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Garden Area
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar and the Silent Auction
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Regal 1
Breakout Session 3
Stream - Sustain
Doing Pro Bono the Development Way
Facilitator/Presenter: Yasmin Batliwala, (Advocates for International Development) |UK
1) Naomi Barnard, (Advocates for International Development/ROLE UK) | UK
2) Adrienne Joy, (Advocates for International Development/ROLE UK) | UK
3) Mariam Faruqi, (iProbono) | UK
Based on the program’s experience in introducing UK pro bono legal sector stakeholders to development tools and approaches, this interactive workshop will introduce the relevant concepts and tools used in the development sector and will assist in pro bono capacity building and pro bono strengthening through multi-sector engagement.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Regal 2
Breakout Session 3
Stream - Sustain
The Synergies of Pro Bono and Legal Aid Workshop (Part 3 of 3)
1) Bruce A. Lasky, (Lanna Lawyers/BABSEACLE) | Thailand
2) Jake Stevens, (International Bridges to Justice) | Myanmar
3) Jawziya F. Zaman, (Legal Aid Society) | Pakistan
4) Anita Neupane Thapalia, (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) | Nepal
5) Tek Tamata, (UNDP) | Nepal
6) San Ng, (The Asia Foundation) | USA
7) Holly Hobart, (International Legal Foundation) | Myanmar
8) Susan Lee, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
9) Tet Nay Tun, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
10) Petrit Skenderi, (UNDP) | Nepal
11) Ajay Shankar Jha, (Public Defender Service-Nepal) | Nepal
12) Mohammad Nabi Waqar, (International Legal Foundation) | Afghanistan
13) May Phyo Eain, (Taungoo Justice Centre) | Myanmar
14) Bangladesh Paralegal Initiative Representative being confirmed
15) Phanindra Gautam, (Joint Secretary) | Nepal
16) Patrick Burgess, (AJAR) | Indonesia
This workshop seeks to discuss the importance of and differences between legal aid and pro bono in ensuring greater access to justice and strengthening the rule of law. Further, it will identify and propose ways to overcome challenges to pro bono and legal aid in various jurisdictions.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 3
Stream - Engage
Pro Bono and Transitional Justice
Facilitator/Presenter: Sabin Shrestha, (Forum for Women Law and Development) | Nepal & Rabina Shrestha, (International Alert) | Nepal
This session will focus on the ways and means transitional justice exists as a necessary means of ensuring justice for all, and how pro bono services play a role in strengthening this access.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 3
Stream - Sustain
Educating Students To Provide Pro Bono Mediation (Part 2 of 2)
1) Don Peters, (University of Florida) | USA
2) Marty Peters, (Elon University School of Law) | USA
3) Naima Ahmed, (iProbono) | Pakistan
This interactive presentation will look at the ways in which students can be effectively educated and used to deliver pro bono mediation services. It will look at schools that have provided mediation clinics facilitated by students and explore the ways in which mediation programs can be designed. The session will, therefore, both focus on ways to train students, through pro bono services, to provide mediation, as well as providing an overview on how to develop out these type of mediation programs.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 3
Stream - Engage
Street Law and Pro Bono Working in Harmony to Enhance Access to Justice (Part 2 of a 2 Part Workshop)
1) Arpeeta Shams Mizan, (iProbono & University of Dhaka) | Bangladesh
2) Lindsay Ernst, (Hong Kong University) | Hong Kong
3) Angbeen Atif Mirza, (Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law) | Pakistan
The legal system protects the poor and discriminated in their fight for justice. Street law programs give the communities effective tools to take their rightful place as citizens. This Street Law Workshop is aimed at building the capacity of pro bono legal service providers, law students, and academics to deliver justice education through interactive community legal education collaborations, methods, and principles. The workshop aims to strengthen and achieve access to justice through expanding and uniting the Street Law community in Asia.
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Pro Bono Bazaar
Afternoon refreshments
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar
4:15pm - 5:30pm
Regal 1 & 2
Conference closing
1) Closing Remarks:
– UNDP Nepal
– Supreme Court Bar Association
– Nepal Bar Association
2) 8th APBC & A2J Exchange Declaration
3) Asia Pro Bono Conference Flag Handover to the Philippines
4) Sincere Thanks and 8APBC Close:
– Asia Pro Bono Consortium
Highlights from Previous Asia Pro Bono Conferences
All presentations and sessions incorporate inspiring and interactive methodology into the session, the below show the level of interaction by both the participants and the presenters at each of the Asia Pro Bono Conferences.
Click on this link to view the session from the
2018 7th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Hong Kong
Click on this link to view the sessions the
2016 5th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Bali, Indonesia
Click on this link to view the sessions the
2015 4th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Mandalay, Myanmar
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2014 3rd Asia Pro Bono Conference in Singapore
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2013 2nd Asia Pro Bono Conference in Vietnam
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2012 1st Asia Pro Bono Conference in Laos