Job Title: Migration Lawyer
Organization: Justice Initiative
Bio: Migration Lawyer at Justice Initiative since 2011. Leads Justice Initiative project advising, supporting & developing materials for migrants to use law and work with lawyers. Partnerships with migrant-led groups, legal NGOs and private lawyers. Project works to advance rights of labour migrants from South-East Asia, and in Greece, through more effective use of existing national laws (in countries of origin and of work); uses EU law to improve access to effective asylum protection for migrants in Southern Europe. Justice Initiative’s case lawyer representing 42 Bangladeshi irregular migrant claimants in Chowdury v Greece, ECtHR judgment, 30 March 2017. Also EU legal work of Justice Initiative against race and religious discrimination. Acted for Ms Nikolova in CHEZ (2015), leading judgment of Court of Justice of the European Union on race discrimination against geographical communities. Primary author of legal arguments in case for infringement action against Bulgaria for racist evictions.
Before joining Justice Initiative, Simon was in independent practice at the Bar of England and Wales for 16 years, specializing in immigration, social welfare, EU and counter-terrorism law. Doughty Street Chambers from 2000 to 2011; head of Immigration Team.