2019 Conference Theme :
“Justice for All: Empower – Engage – Sustain”
The 8th Asia Pro Bono Conference programme is being designed now. Our presenters/facilitators come from across the legal landscape bringing diverse experience and thought leadership. The Conference is an opportunity to learn more about the impact of strategic pro bono on seemingly intractable humanitarian problems as you network with your peers.
The Conference programme aims to showcase local innovation from across the Asia region, and globally, on a diverse range of topical issues. To access the PDF version of the program click here. Also please note that the programme will is now available on the ConveneApp – access code 8APBC2019.
Day 1 – Friday Sep, 13 – Yak & Yeti Hotel Kathmandu Nepal
7:00am - 8:00am
Conference Organizers
8:00am - 8:45am
Regal 1 & 2
Conference Inauguration
1) MC Welcome & Nepal National Anthem: Neetu Pokharel, (Alliance for Social Dialogue) | Nepal
2) Welcome Address/Local Organizing Committee/Hosts: Shashi Adhikary, (Nepal Law Campus) | Nepal
3) Welcome Address/Asia Pro Bono Consortium: Bruce A. Lasky, (Lanna Lawyers/BABSEACLE) | Thailand & Mariam Faruqi, (iProbono) | UK
4) Student Dance Cultural Performance–Dances Reflecting Diverse Communities of Nepal (Students from Nepal Law Camps & Kathmandu School of Law)
8:45am - 9:30am
Regal 1 & 2
Key Note
Key Note Address and Other Honored Presenters
1) Ayshanie Medagangoda-Labe, (Resident Representative-UNDP) | Nepal
2) Senior Advocate Chandeshwor Shrestha, (Nepal Bar Association President) | Nepal
3) Honorable Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, (Minister of Law, Justice and Parlimanentarian Affairs) | Nepal
4) KeyNote: Honorable Cholendra Shamsher Junga Bahadur Rana (Chief Justice of the Nepal Supreme Court) | Nepal
5) Note of Thanks: Anita Neupane Thapalia, (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre) | Nepal
9:30am - 9:55am
Regal 1 & 2
Report Lauch
Stream - Empower
Justice for All: The Task Force on Justice Report Launch
Facilitator/Presenter: Hina Jilani, (The Elders) | Pakistan
Drawing on research by the world’s leading justice organizations and experts, the report of the Task Force on Justice proposes a different approach to justice – putting people at the center of justice systems and justice at the heart of sustainable development. This report, Justice for All -The Task Force, will be launched as part of the opening of the 8APBC by many who worked on it. The report is available online at this weblink https://www.justice.sdg16.plus/report
10:00am - 11:00am
Regal 1 & 2
Plenary 1
Stream - Sustain
The Empowering Values, Engaging Elements and Sustainable Access to Justice
Impact of Pro Bono
Presenters/Facilitators: Mariam Faruqi, (iProbono) | UK
1) Sara Hossain, (BLAST) | Bangladesh
2) Andrew Valentine, (DLA Piper/New Perimeter) | USA
3) Trishna Mohan Kripalani, (Trust Law) | India
Just how important is pro bono to ensuring access to justice and what are the benefits provided? What exactly is pro bono, and who provides pro bono services? What are the core, unique and empowering values of pro bono. This session assist in providing an overview answer to these questions and will demonstrate just how pro bono services ensure access to justice by providing sustainable access.
11:00am - 11:30am
Pro Bono Bazaar
Morning refreshments
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar and the Silent Auction
11:30am - 1:00pm
Regal 1
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Paralegalism and Pro Bono in South Asia
Facilitator/Presenter: Shashi Adhikary, (Nepal Law Campus) | Nepal
1) Manisha Poudel, (Centre for Women’s Awareness and Development) | Nepal
2) Haya Zahid, (Legal Aid Office ) | Pakistan
Paralegals are fundamental in advancing access to justice and the rule of law through various pro bono activities including information sharing, education, alternative dispute resolution, advocacy and campaigning. This session will discuss the history and scope of a paralegal’s role in providing free services those that would otherwise be unable to access justice.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Regal 2
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
The Ways and Means Government Does & Should Support Pro Bono
Facilitators/Presenters: Mizanur Rahman, (Former Human Rights Commissioner) | Bangladesh, Thip Nouansyvong, (The Asia Foundation) | Laos
1) Bounthom Phenglattanavong, (Ministry of Justice) | Laos
2) Kishali Pinto Jayawardena, (Commissioner, Right to Information Commission) | Sri Lanka
3) Mohna Ansari, (National Human Rights Commission) | Nepal
4) Phanindra Gautam, (Joint Secretary of Ministry of Law) | Nepal
This session will take a pragmatic and opportunistic approach on the ways and means government institutions have, do and can support pro bono throughout the Asia region and globally.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
Addressing the Root Causes of Statelessness in Asia
Presenter/Facilitator: Maalini Ramalo, (DHRRA Malaysia & SNAP) | Malaysia
1) Lenny Leerdam, (DLA Piper) | Australia
2) Ravi Hemadri, (Development and Justice Initiative) | India
3) Yadana Than Htaik, (Braveheart Foundation) | Myanmar
Discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and marital status are the leading causes of statelessness in Asia. This session will explore projects that utilise pro bono assistance to address such discrimination in a number of countries in South Asia and South-East Asia.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Pro Bono Assistance in Death Penalty Matters
1) Neetika Vishwanath, (Project 39A, National Law University, Delhi) | India
2) Andrew Khoo, (Andrew Khoo & Daniel Lo) | Malaysia
3) John Corker, (Diplomacy Training Programme) | Australia
This session will focus on strategies and case studies which are engaged to support pro bono death penalty litigation work, while posing provocative moral, ethical, strategic and socio-political dilemmas.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Strategic Use of Litigation through Pro Bono Services to Mitigate Statelessness in Nepal
Facilitator/Presenter: Sabin Shrestha, (Forum for Women, Law & Development) | Nepal
1) Dechen Lama, (Forum for Women, Law & Development) | Nepal
2) Anita Neupane Thapalia, (LACC) | Nepal
3) Pun Devi Maharjan, (Forum for Women, Law & Development) | Nepal
4) Neetu Pokharel, (Alliance for Social Dialogue) | Nepal
In society, the right to Identity is paramount. Without citizenship certificate, a person cannot exercise their economic, social, political and cultural right. Although the new constitution of Nepal is progressive, it still contains discriminatory clauses against women in their ability to confer their nationality on their children on an equal basis with men. This session will revise the policies enunciated in the constitution and suggest better ways to apply these policies in order to conform with international obligations imposed on Nepal.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Sustain
Systemic Change Part I: No “Ordinary” Strategic Litigation
1) Holly Hobart, (International Legal Foundation) | USA
2) Susan Lee, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
3) Myat Ko Ko, (Justice Base) | Myanmar
4) Tet Nay Tun, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
5) Hnin Wutt Yi, (International Legal Foundation) | USA
6) Yin Min Sann, (Mawlamyaing Justice Center) | Myanmar
This session is Part I of two sessions about creating systemic change. Part I will explore how community of practice and peer learning approaches between private pro bono lawyers, legal aid lawyers and civil society organisations can catalyse innovative litigation and build common cause to create systemic change through coordinated strategic litigation in ordinary criminal cases. The session will begin with a brief presentation of results and lessons learnt from the ongoing Criminal Defense Communities of Practice Project in Myanmar which bring together pro bono and public interest lawyers for guided peer-learning events to catalyse systemic change. The session will then engage participants using the Justice Base/MyJustice “community of practice” methodology applying interactive and collaborative activities incorporating fact pattern analysis, debates and role plays to challenge participants to shift their mindsets about existing practice and rights violations and to develop concrete litigation strategies that can be used to challenge those practices.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Growing Pro Bono and Ensuring A2J in the Mena Region/Experiences from Jordan
Facilitator/Presenter: Hadeel Abdel Aziz, (Justice Center for Legal Aid) | Jordan
1) Linda Al Kalash, (Tamkeen Fields for Aid) | Jordan
2) Other presenters currently being confirmed
Despite the notion that courts are open to everyone, those living in poverty are often marginalised and face significant barriers in accessing legal services. This session provides an overview of the challenges in accessing justice in Jordan and the response mechanisms implemented by civil society organisations, including pro bono access to legal information, literacy and advocacy services.
11:30am - 1:00pm
Breakout Session 1
Stream - Engage
Pro Bono and Ageing Populations-A Toolkit to Combat Elder Abuse
Facilitator/Presenter: Shaun McCarthy, (University of Newcastle Legal Centre, University of Newcastle) | Australia
Injustice facing disadvantaged older persons has resulted in unprecedented attention around the world. As such, this session will analyse the screening tool and workshop ways in which the online tool kit can be utilised by pro bono legal service providers.
1:00pm - 2:15pm
Garden Area
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar and the Silent Auction
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Regal 1
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
The Role of Bar Associations in Supporting Pro Bono
Presenters/Facilitators: Tanguy Lim, (Law Society Pro Bono Services) | Singapore & Mark Woods, (Tyler, Tipping & Woods and Law Council of Australia) | Australia
1) Sunil Kumar Pokharel, (Former Secretary General Nepal Bar Association) | Nepal
2) Saroj Ghimire, (Supreme Court Bar Association) | Nepal
3) Enkhsaikhan Lkhagvajav, (Mongolian Bar Association) | Mongolia
4) Nirmala Many, (PERADI) | Indonesia
5) Shiva Raj Pandit, (Nepal Bar Association) | Nepal
6) Prakash Maharjan, (Nepal Bar Association) | Nepal
Many legal service providers recognize and wish to assist with the need for legal representation of those less well off. However, there is often a gap between those offering and those requesting assistance. Bar Associations across different jurisdictions are well placed to bridge this gap and this session will showcase the best methods by which this can be achieved.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Regal 2
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Engage
Pro Bono Assistance During Post Disaster Periods
Facilitator/Presenter: Anil Kumar Shrestha, (Advocate) | Nepal
1) Sumina Karki, (The Asia Foundation) | Nepal
2) Nirmal Kumar Upreti, (Forum for National Building Nepal) | Nepal
3) Sushil Gynwali, (National Reconstruction Authority) | Nepal
4) Representative from Ministry of Home Affairs to be confirmed | Nepal
This session involves a multifaceted discussion that will include a collaborative dialogue focusing on the context, challenges, prominence and prospects of pro bono legal services in a country’s post disaster period.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Engage
Transforming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Leaving No One Behind
Facilitator/Presenter: Lindsay Ernst, (Hong Kong University) | Hong Kong
1) Kimpav Mao, (Pannasastra University of Cambodia) | Cambodia
2) Saray Run, (Legal Aid of Cambodia) | Cambodia
With the human rights being violated around the world against people with disabilities, this session looks at how international human rights instruments aim to respect, protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities. The session will establish how these violations are most prominent in areas such as education, rehabilitation, employment and participation and ways and means pro bono assist in supporting combating these violations.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
Who Weaves the Golden Thread of Social Justice?
Facilitator/Presenter: Faustina Pereira, (Centre for Peace & Justice) | Bangladesh
1) Sara Hossain, (BLAST)) | Bangladesh
2) Kishali Pinto Jayawardena, (Commissioner, Right to Information Commission) | Sri Lanka
3) Asfinawati Ajub, (YLBHI/Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation) | Indonesia
As the primary movers in expanding the parameters of social justice, this session will celebrate and re-evaluate the role of pro bono advocates. An examination will show the most critical link between the formal and informal justice systems and the SDG framework in moving forward.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Empower
Cross Border Pro Bono
Facilitator/Presenter: Fiona Li, (Trust Law) | Thailand
1) Rinki Roy, (Thomson Reuters Foundation) | India
2) Robert Houston, (Global Pro Bono Bar Association) | USA
3) Catherine Cheung, (PILnet) | Hong Kong
This session will demonstrate the impact and benefit of utilizing cross border pro bono research when advocating for legal reform to protect vulnerable groups, with specific reference being made to examples from across Asia. Following the presentation, attendees will be given the opportunity to participate in a group discussion on potential areas for legal reform, and to report these ideas back to the room.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Sustain
Systemic Change Part II: Building a Movement
1) Holly Hobart, (International Legal Foundation) | USA
2) Susan Lee, (MyJustice) | Myanmar
3) Neetika Vishawanath, (Project 39A National Law University Delhi) | India
4) Myat Ko Ko, (Justice Base) | Myanmar
5) Ajay Shankar Jha, (Public Defender Society of Nepal ) | Nepal
6) Piya Muqit, (Justice Centre Hong Kong) | Hong Kong
This session is Part II of two sessions about creating systemic change. Whereas Part I focuses on the methodology of the community of practice approach, Part II asks participants to discuss barriers to building a cause-lawyering movement as well as brainstorm approaches to campaign development and organising collective legal action.
2:15pm - 3:45pm
Breakout Session 2
Stream - Engage
In-House Counsel Helping to Achieve Justice Through Pro Bono Services
Facilitator/Presenter: Renita Sophia Crasta, (Capitaland Pte Ltd/Singapore Corporate Counsel Association) | Singapore
1) Mary Kwok, (Intel) | Hong Kong
2) Mary Ho, (Access Our Community) | Hong Kong
3) John Corker, (Diplomacy Training Programme) | Australia
This session explores the ways, means and partnerships corporate in-house counsel can do and support pro bono.
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Pro Bono Bazaar
Afternoon refreshments
Visit the various justice organizations at the Pro Bono Bazaar and the Silent Auction
4:15pm - 5:15pm
Regal 1 & 2
Plenary 2
Stream - Sustain
Strengthening Community Paralegalism in Asia – Recognition, Support and Public Financing
Facilitator/Presenter: Sumaiya Islam, (OSF/OSJI) | UK
1) Marlon Manuel, (Namati) | Philippines
2) Hina Jilani, (The Elders) | Pakistan
3) Asfinawati Ajub, (YLBHI/Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation) | Indonesia
This plenary working session focuses on the need for recognition of the role that community paralegals, justice advocates and independent justice servers do in helping to realize access to justice.
Policies that create enabling environment for these community-based paralegals along with the necessary safeguards to ensure thee independence and funding sustainability into the future of these organizations. The discussion will further look at the responsibilities and scope between community paralegals and the clarification between the relations and distinctions between community paralegals and others in the justice sector.
5:15pm - 5:30pm
Closing of Day 1
6:30pm - 11:00pm
8th APBC Dinner and Justice/Alternative Voices & Justice/Cultural Performances
6:30pm: Appetizers/Snacks, Soft Drinks & Alcoholic Beverages Served
7:30pm: Formal Programme Begins
Dinner Opening Speakers:
1) Hina Jilani, (The Elders) | Pakistan
2) Honorable Sapana Pradhan Malla, (Supreme Court Justice) | Nepal
3) Honorable Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, (Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentarian Affairs) | Nepal
Dinner will be held at the Alice Receptions Party Palace
Gairidhara Rd, Kathmandu
Highlights from Previous Asia Pro Bono Conferences
All presentations and sessions incorporate inspiring and interactive methodology into the session, the below show the level of interaction by both the participants and the presenters at each of the Asia Pro Bono Conferences.
Click on this link to view the session from the
2018 7th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Hong Kong
Click on this link to view the sessions the
2016 5th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Bali, Indonesia
Click on this link to view the sessions the
2015 4th Asia Pro Bono Conference in Mandalay, Myanmar
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2014 3rd Asia Pro Bono Conference in Singapore
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2013 2nd Asia Pro Bono Conference in Vietnam
Click on this link to view the sessions from the
2012 1st Asia Pro Bono Conference in Laos