Archana Kotecha

Job Title: Head of Legal Organization: Liberty Asia Bio: Ms. Archana Kotecha is a counter-trafficking expert and activist with extensive experience in the areas of advocacy, policy work and casework relating to trafficking in persons. Ms. Kotecha is a UK qualified...

Robert Houston

Job Title: International Arbitration Associate & Pro Bono Coordinator Organization: K&L Gates LLP Bio: Robert Houston is an International Arbitration Associate and the Pro Bono Coordinator for K&L Gates LLP in Singapore. Prior to joining K&L Gates,...

Jedrick Ng

Job Title: Assistant City Prosecutor Organization: Inter-Agency Council against Trafficking (IACAT) Department of Justice, Philippines Bio: Prosecutor Jedrek Ng was appointed as Assistant City Prosecutor in the City of Manila on March 16, 2010. On November 2010, he...