Session B6: Pro Bono, Community Paralegals and their Links to Transformational Change

08/31/2016 - 13:45-08/31/2016 - 15:15
Legian Room (2nd Floor) at the Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel
Session Track: 

Pro Bono Building Blocks

Pro Bono Building Blocks: This stream includes sessions that create the foundations for pro bono initiatives, including the basic understanding and concept of what pro bono is. Sessions in this stream will share best practices and lessons learnt on how to do pro bono across the Asia region, how to make initiatives sustainable and how to ensure that they are effective for the target community.

Dewa Putu Adnyana
Kanchi Kohli
Pavina Thephithuck
Wisarut Samlee-On
Yunita Purnama

Many countries in the region have ‘community paralegals’ who provide many of the services that lawyers might provide in other countries. This session will highlight the role of the community paralegal, discuss the ways that pro bono can support this role and how community paralegals are linked to transformational change.