Session B7: Pro Bono, Asylum and Refugees

08/31/2016 - 13:45-08/31/2016 - 15:15
Kintamani Room (2nd Floor) at the Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel
Session Track: 

Pro Bono-Walking the Walk

Pro Bono-Walking the Walk: This stream shares the experiences and knowledge of those who work hands on with marginalized populations providing direct pro bono services. These pro bono champions share with us their first hand experiences so that we can learn, be inspired and walk with them on their journey and apply their lessons and experiences to other pro bono initiatives.

Dina Hapsari
Emma Dunlevie
Febi Yonesta
Jessica Marsh
Trish Cameron

Drawing from experiences in different parts of the world, we will explore how lawyers can be involved in responding to the defining issue of our times – forced displacement of millions of asylum seekers and refugees – while also expanding their own world views, connecting with peers from around the globe, working alongside United Nations colleagues, meaningfully impacting individual lives, and creating lasting transformational change. We hope to share challenges and success stories from countries that are signatories to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its Protocol (signatory countries) and countries that are not signatories (non-signatory countries).  We will work together to come up with concrete initiatives for increased pro bono engagement and coordination in this space.